Improving the site

Have been thinking a lot about how to improve this site. I want this site to be, essentially, a brain depository. I will remove things from my brain and deposit them here to be preserved for eternity…or until my server crashes, catches on fire, and is lost forever. Oh, wait, that is what backups are for…doh!

I ordered and have now received Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy from It was $10 cheaper than Borders and came with free shipping! I plan to read it soon and gleam some nuggets of insight from it and use them to make this site “all it can be!”

More importantly, I am trying to get into the habit of writing. Somewhere along the line I took an English class where the professor said that the only way to become a writer is to write and write frequently. I would like to write a novel some day but need a lot of practice. Hopefully this site will help me achieve that goal.